The Many Forms of Chicken Little


Chicken Little at the Disneyland Resort.


When "Chicken Little" was being shown at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, there was a display in the lobby with Chicken Little as numerous other characters. Here's a sampling of what was on display.


This was my favorite of them all. Who doesn't love Peeps?


An Egyptian Chicken Little.


This one was a little freaky.
There were some other freaky and even creepy ones
that we chose not to take pictures of.


How cute is he?


Now he looks familiar...


I so want one of these.



These were cool.


The Little Chickenmaid?




Loved the tribute.




At the World of Disney in Anaheim's Downtown Disney, there was also a window display dedicated to Chicken Little assuming other personas. The display was in the window right next to the far entrance to the World of Disney, the one furthest from the park entrances and right next to the newly-opened Anne Geddes store.


The Chicken Little window display.


Chicken Little as The Fly.


This little one is on top of the transformation pod.


Chicken Little as The Tick.


Super Chicken! (How many of you can sing the song?)


Chick Cousteau.


A sand creation of Chicken Little.


Cool pool chick.


Buzz Lightyear's poultry cousin?


They're heeeeeere! (But he's not actually facing the television...)


Chicken sushi chef.


Sorceror Chickey.


I think this one is creepy.


Chicken Little for president?


The "resistance is futile" card seems to tie this into Star Trek's Borg, but it reminds me more of the Toy Story toy myself.


Witch chick.


Surfer chick.



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Last updated January 29, 2006.

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